
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Take a bite

After Soph went to bed last night, Ray and I watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I don't believe in ghosts or demons or even God but movies like this scare me. I guess it's my religious upbringing . The acting was solid. As always, both Laura Linney and Tom Wilkinson were in top form. They both give emotionally credible performances in every single movie they are in. The actress playing Emily Rose, Jennifer Carpenter, was amazingly believable. Not your average cheese-filled demonic possession (Read: Exorcist: The Beginning. Not even Stellan Skarsgard could save that film). Jennifer Carpenter must have been a gymnast before pursuing acting because she twisted her body in a way that no average actress could...and it seemed believable! Anway, the movie spooked me and I couldn't sleep. I kept expecting to awaken at 3am to the smell of something burning. But sleep I did. I slept late, actually. I feel a lot better now. The cold from hell has moved south and now the nodes under my chin are swollen on both sides. This is a typical progression. I'll get a slight cough next and then I'll be Right as Rain. We have finished lunch now. We ate papardelle with a red sauce and lamb sausages with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Not a veggie in sight, I'm afraid. I'm sick and lazy. I made a quick sauce with a can of crushed tomatoes purchased from a little Italian shop on Perlova. I added in some red wine, red pepper flakes, ground pepper, and salt. Then I strained it while I heated up the lamb sausages, which I had sliced for easier/faster consumption. After I put the sauce back in the pan with the sliced sausages, I added some grated cheese. It turned out rather well. Two thumbs up, said the husband. Sophia, of course, had her usual lunch of baguette and cheeses. Ray and Soph are off to Sparky's now so I have time to write up this blog's entry. Soph is consumed with a lust for this, the Pollyworld Limo-Scene Vehicle. We decided that we'd offer to pay for the toy now and have her give us an I. O. U., to be repaid on the 1st of September when she recieves her monthly stipend. They've headed out to see if the toy is available. This would make her day! She is going over to Hilary's for a sleepover tonight. She had fun the last time and is looking forward to it. Her sitter cancelled today, due to strep throat (oh, how I'm glad I don't have THAT!), poor Weslie. So Soph is a bit disappointed. Getting the toy would help with that, I'm sure. Ray has suggested we try this Korean restaurant tonight for dinner. He knows how much I love Bibimbap. Mmmm yummy goodness. Hilary will pick up Soph at 5, then we'll head out. Not sure what we'll get up to this evening but I hope my cold doesn't put a damper on the evening's festivities. While I've been sitting here, fucking around with html, the two have returned victorious. All is right with the world.


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