Meals of yesteryear
Okay, maybe not yesteryear. More like *last* year. In December. I made this lovely lasagna with spinach, ricotta and some hot 'n' spicy sausage. It was the prettiest and tastiest lasagna I've ever made!

Movies seen this year: ---The Prestige, starring the luscious and tremendously talented Christian Bale and equally yummy Hugh Jackman ... and Scarlett Johansson's tits. Honestly, you don't really need her. Just her tits. Yeah, I figured out part of this film early on but the ending was a nice surprise. I felt it dragged in places and went on too long, as usual. The writing was good, the acting was okay and we got to see David Bowie onscreen, which is always a treat. Even when he's bloated and aging. It's okay, Dave. We forgive you. We'll forgive you anything! Except maybe splitting up with Iman. Don't press your luck, there, Dave. Back to the film... go see it! It's a nice change from the rest of the drivel in the cinemas right now. And no, it's not like The Illusionist. It's better. ---Night at the Museum with LittleBiscuit. Why was this film made? Who told Ben Stiller his comedic style would work in a film like this? Because I don't think it does. So many of the scenes fell flat and seemed slapped together. I could sniff out the "bad guy" from a mile away. But you know what? I'll bet this movie makes a ton of money. Sigh. Oh, one cute thing. Stay for at least the beginning of the credits. You get to see Dick Van Dyke hoofing it up. And because I'm white and nerdy, here's a treat from Weird Al.
But yet, aren't we all just White and Nerdy? Redd has this as his ring tone LOL
LOL That song is a brain worm. Once it's in your head, it won't leave!
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