
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wasting away in Biscuitville

Every other Wednesday, I get together with women from all around the world. We call ourselves the Housewives Club, Not Desperate. Three women from our group are going back home. One to the US, one to Canada and one to Australia. Last Wednesday, we all got together at El Bodeguita for some mojitos and laughs. Note: I like candids so most of these are not posed and not neat. I ordered a goat cheese salad with roasted pine nuts over spinach, followed by spicy meatballs and rice: A picture of the waitress taking a picture. Look at all our drinks! From left to right, this is Yvgenia (from Moscow), Jennifer (Australia) and Macky (Phillipines). Notice Macky's manicure? She did those beautiful nails herself! Jennifer is a lady who can dance her ass off. She's amazing on a dance floor. And Macky is a lot of fun. She keeps us all laughing. And I'd hate to be against her in a dance-off! She rocks. Lizl, on end left (from South Africa), is pregnant so her drink is virgin :) Genia, on the other hand, across the table on the right, is sucking down her mojito! Go, girl! Jen, in the middle (from Canada), expounding on the meaning of life and mojitos with Jill (from the US) on the left. Jennifer and Macky: Jennifer and Biscuitmom: What lurks behind that sweet face? Innocence? I think not! Isn't she lovely, though. I call her The Peach. I asked Genia to make a sexy face for my husband and THIS is what she gives me! After this, Jill, Jen, Macky and I went dancing til 2:30 in the morning. It was a blast! I love these ladies! We're goint to have one more HWC dinner before the end of the year, to say goodbye to Jen, Jennifer and Jill. They will be missed! In other news, here's your average day in Prague on my street. Lady dressed like a sperm giving away free condoms while a drum group rocks out some tunes: God, I love this city.


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