
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I really screwed up dinner tonight. We made homemade pizzas with ham, artichoke hearts (on half) and cheese. The cheese, however, was incredibly spicy. Oops! LittleBiscuit spit it out and screamed like a banshee. Yeow! So, wonderful mother that I am, I gave her a plate of ham. Me? I ate a blondie and some leftover chicken pot pie...and another glass of Chianti. MrBiscuit suffered through. What a saint! We played Hiss! for a bit and listened to Christmas music...and I had another glass of Chianti. As usual, we made up our own rules for the game. (We're just like that, okay?) We try to make the biggest snake we can or the shortest. We made one tonight that wouldn't fit onto the kitchen table. Going, going, gone: LittleBiscuit's favorite little guy: MrBiscuit started reading the first Harry Potter book a few days ago so he read us all a chapter while I helped LittleBiscuit into her nightgown. Now, she's snuggled in her bed with about a thousand Pokemon and the little DVD player which is now showing an episode of Kimba. I'm listening to Shirley Rumsey's Music of the Italian Renaissance, thinking of our plans for tomorrow. We'll likely go swimming and take along some bread to feed the pigeons. LittleBiscuit has named one "Gargoyle" and has been searching for him among the pigeons we meet on our walks. I honestly don't know how she tells them all apart.


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