
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Yesterday, our sitter came by for a few hours. We had already done all our errands the day before, so we decided to go to see An Inconvenient Truth. The topic, of course, is thought-provoking and serious. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was one long campaign video. "Vote for Gore! I'm the smart one!" I also hated all the product placement. I honestly thought I'd see in the credits, "Sponsored by Coke and Apple Computers." I think the cuts to Gore's personal bits were jarring. Only one, the last one, seemed like it was edited properly. Besides editing problems, I wonder if Gore's bitterness, even if we all agree he has a right to be bitter, had it's place in this film. Did we really need to hear about the flawed voting system again? What about the fact that he and Clinton had their time in office to Do Something and we're still "in this mess?" In the beginning half of the film, Gore says, "this isn't a political problem, it's an ethical issue." Yet by the end, he's all politics. I really didn't mean to be so negative because I actually liked the film. I know why they needed to put in Gore's personal journey. It helped me to think of this picture not as a film about global warming but as a film about Al Gore's lectures on global warming. Incidentally, I was shocked by some of the statistics and revelations. I had known about half the information presented but the rest blew me away. I got really depressed about how we have all screwed up the planet. I am a bit of a pessimist and I have my doubts that humankind will last more than 50 to 100 more years on this planet. If you're interested, take a quiz here to see your "ecological footprint." Now that you're all flooded with eco guilt, let's move along, shall we? Dinner last night. Chicken breasts in chili/rosemary sauce. Side dish was orzo with mushrooms and toasted walnuts. Today, LittleBiscuit and I took to the streets in search of new winter shoes for her quickly growing feet. We encountered a lot of rudeness and jostling and line-cutting. She finally announced that people just have no manners. I, sadly, had to agree. I loved smelling dinner cooking tonight! I made a beef stew seasoned with cloves and cinnamon, with couscous salad (raw carrots, red onion, zucchini, green apple and pine nuts) as the side: I made a huge pan of brownies last night. After I finish this post, play a half hour with LittleBisuit trying to level up on Pokemon Colosseum, I plan to whip up some chocolate fudge sauce and serve it over brownie squares and sliced strawberries. Mmmm!


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