
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Asian Food Week, Take Two: Meal Three

Hate to be boring but I made chicken pakora again. I had two chicken breasts left and orginally was going to make a sort of coconut milk sauce and serve it all over egg-fried rice. However, I was yearning for pakora again. So tasty! So we had the pakora with leftover raita potatoes. For dessert, I made an Indian bread pudding:

I am still feeling under the weather. (What a strange expression!) I was going to do Halloween crafts with LittleBiscuit but I didn't feel well enough to drag all the supplies out, do crafts and put everything away again. I printed out some stuff from Enchanted Learning and we did those together. Well, actually, she did them all by herself without needing my help but I was on stand-by, just in case. This evening, Mr. Biscuit read the last chapter of the second Romeo Crumb book while I put lotion on LittleBiscuit and helped her into her jammies. I enjoyed the first one but this book was a, weird. And Mr. Biscuit said the grammar and spelling errors were once again rampant. Terrible editing job, that! Next book? Either Time Cat or the third Borrowers installment. I noticed something strange about Blogspot. When I create a post, it marks the time I begin the post, not when I actually publish it. Shrug. Movies watched recently, reviews to come later: ---Shogun (Okay, it's actually a mini-series...I'm also reading the novel) ---Thank You For Smoking (saw this in the cinema with Mr. Biscuit) ---Elvira Madigan ---Samurai Rebellion or Joi-uchi: Hairyo tsuma shimatsu ---3 Extremes II or Saam gaang ---A Better Tomorrow or Ying hung boon sik (the one that started it all!) ---The Family Stone (rented...apparently the screenwriters assumed "free-spirited" translated as "mannerless")


Blogger Paula Bellman said...

I remember reading Shogun back when I was in highschool. My mom had bought it from the Doubleday book of the month club LOL. I enjoyed it, but I'd say it was a bit over my head at times, since I was only 15!

10/17/2006 04:44:00 PM  
Blogger MrsCatHead said...

LOL I know. I remember all the books I read at that age and know that I really should read them again.

10/17/2006 07:47:00 PM  

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