
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Midnight snack

Actually, it's one a.m. but "midnight snack" fits my theme. I can't sleep. Earlier this evening, after putting Soph to bed, Ray and I watched In the Mood for Love. This film is beautiful. The cinematography is superb, thanks to the efforts of Christopher Doyle. I've made a mental note to see every single one of the movies (that I've not seen yet) this man has worked on. I love the colors of this film, the soft yet clear focus, the contrasts. The screen seemed almost wet, like a canvas, and alive, with depth such that you could see around the characters. Some movies are so flat that you feel the people are paperdolls and they just slide around on the screen in front of you. I remarked to Ray that it seemed Wong Kar Wai didn't shoot much from a distance, to lend intimacy to his subjects, to add to the feeling of how interwoven and cramped the lives of his characters were. This changes as the film progresses and he has larger vistas (Cambodia scenes) and shoots his subjects from much further away. I have no idea if this is true, of course. It sounds good, though, doesn't it? :) Maggie Cheung is beautiful. Her hair, her skin, her eyes, her perfect dresses (cheongsams or qipao) and shoes and bags. Wow. And the music meshes with the film so flawlessly. I love the theme played over and over (Listen to it on the link for the movie above). I love the Nat King Cole, the "era" music. I simply must have this soundtrack. Magic. But it's left me melancholy. And it's raining now, adding to the mood. I'm not exactly "in the mood for love." More like, "in the mood to sit in the dark and listen to Portishead until I get tired enough for sleep." I finished the laundry, put it all away, watched the extras on the DVD, brushed the cat. Still, I can't sleep. Luckily, we don't have much planned tomorrow so I will be able to sleep late. I'd like to work on Sophia's room again, which is a never-ending task. I'm like Sisyphus and her room is my rock. I also want to make a menu and list for next week, do more laundry, tidy the living room and finish an editing project. The sitter, who is feeling much better, is supposed to come around 6. I don't know how Ray will be but he says he wants to go out. We may go to the cinema, although I don't think there is anything worth seeing. We've already seen everything that's any good.


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