
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Another Asian Food Week: Meal Two

We had a great day yesterday! Mr. Biscuit had a business meeting at lunchtime so LittleBiscuit and I decided to treat ourselves to a nice lunch. We headed over to Kogo in Slovansky dum. LittleBiscuit loves the fish there. It was fun walking into this place with her. Everyone there was in suits and fancy outfits and she strolled in with her Skitty hat and Miffy sunglasses. It was fabulous. It was a bit crowded but we found a nice table in the atrium so we could look out at the courtyard. Lovely. We ordered our food: grilled dorada for her and freshly-made papardelle with lamb sauce for me. We each brought out our DS and logged into PictoChat. She and I have created a fun game using PictoChat. It's called "Pet Shop." The basic idea is that you create two or three pets for the other person to choose. They pay for the pet and you then draw supplies they can purchase. So we generally play Pet Shop while we wait for our food to arrive in restaurants. We also drew mazes for each other to solve and practiced our Japanese, using the kana keyboard on the DS. Here is The Princess enjoying her Perrier and choosing her pet: Food has arrived! For some reason, that meant it was time to wear earmuffs: After lunch, we headed over to Bohemia Bagel to sign up for their annual Halloween Celebration. We passed by the Estates Theatre and saw this waiting to be taken inside from the props van: LittleBiscuit loved the hand crank. She'd seen it in a book a few days ago. What a wonderful coincidence that we saw this automobile today! After signing up for the Halloween party, we popped into Big Ben Bookshop to say Hello to Yasmeen. LittleBisuit likes it when Yasmeen has her shar pei, Daphne, with her. But alas, Daphne wasn't there yesterday. Also Yasmeen and her associate were very busy unpacking a new shipment of books. So LittleBiscuit and I decided to cut our visit short and do more walking. Here is The Princess on the side steps of Tyn: Heading into Old Town Square: Tyn cathedral: Jan Hus statue: In 1721, the Jesuits, who were fascinated by astronomy, determined the Prague meridian, which they used to calculate high noon each day and from which all points in Prague were measured: More pics of Old Town Square (Staré Město): Horsies! LittleBiscuit loves this statue. She says it looks like a Black Rider. Want to know something terrible? People often throw trash into it! Grrrr! And, as you can see from the photo, people also let their dogs piss on the side. LittleBiscuit's favorite store in Prague, Sparky's House of Toys: Hope you've enjoyed our Day in the Life pics! I was a bit depressed, even after all that time in the nice sunshine, so I hung out online when we got home. LittleBiscuit threw off her shoes and flopped onto the couch! For dinner, I made beef chow mein and it was yummy: Last night, the dad of LittleBiscuits' friend came over to hang out a bit. We had a blast talking about books, racism, parenting and food. Mr. Biscuit had gone to a great little Italian ice cream place after his business lunch and picked up some delicious ice cream. We ate that with some chocolate cookies. Mmmm! Of course, I drank more wine than I wanted but I'm feeling okay today. No hangover! Today has been slow and easy. I'm blogging, cleaning and trying to finish the book I'm reading. Also, we bought a puzzle at Disneyland Paris last year and never started it. LittleBiscuit says it would be perfect for Halloween since it's a puzzle with all the Disney villains. Here's lunch. Nothing fancy but very tasty! Stuffed eggs (with leftovers for the sitter tomorrow): Pastrami and/or ham sandwiches on baguette: We used pastrami and ham fresh from the butcher. I put out the tasty mustards I bought in Paris at Fauchon. We particularyly liked the mustard with thyme. Mmmm! Also, cheddar and appenzellar cheeses (LittleBiscuit hogged all the lingot): Of course, when I sat down, I realized I had planned on slicing up an avocado as well. Oops!


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