
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Monday. Garfield's most feared day of the week, according to our resident expert, Sophia. I woke up bleary-eyed today and with a terrible headache. I hate waking up like that. I should take a page from Garfield's book and just hide underneath the covers until this day is over. Errand day in Biscuitland. We went to Azza again. It's cheap, decent and close to where we want to go. I again had the daily offer from the lunch menu. Today's "varianta I." consisted of potato soup (yum!), chicken breast with mozarella and a slightly piquant tomato sauce with rosemary-flavored rice, followed by apple streudl for dessert. All for 100, kc. That's hard to beat in the centre! Sophia had grilled chicken breast with steak fries. MrBiscuit ate the stroganoff. We all enjoyed our meals immensely. Next up, just like last Monday, we headed to Planet DVD, the Vietnamese grocery, then finally Fruits de France. Rentals for today were: --Duma --Nanny McPhee (Why, oh why, are the marketing gurus touting this as the "new Mary Poppins?" We saw this in New Mexico, on our US trip, and loved it but it's not Mary Poppins!) --The Constant Gardener (LOTS of love for Rachel Weisz) --Memoirs of a Geisha (yes, I'm prepared for the fact that the movie will be greatly different from the book, which was OK. I am seeing this for the actors, the sets, the costumes and the music. I don't really care about the plot.) Unfortunately, the butcher couldn't deliver meats until tomorrow. Therefore, I couldn't make what I wanted for dinner. Mr.Biscuit volunteered to go get some Greek food for dinner. Love that man! We split some moussaka, Greek potatoes and tyropita. I also ate some sliced tomatoes but Mr. Biscuit's picture was prettier so I posted his: Sophia is very upset with youtube right now. First, 4Kids lost the merchandising rights to the Pokemon television series in the US. Due to that, a lot of the youtube mash-ups have been pulled for copyright infringement. (Kid's learning a lot about this stuff so it's been an educational experience but not one she is really enjoying) On top of this, youtube was sold to Google. And we all know what happens when BigBusiness gets involved. So many of her favorite youtube vids are gone. She is livid! To add insult to injury, the new company in charge of the Pokemon TV series has fired the original voice actors in order to hire cheaper actors. The characters Do Not sound the same. Yes, I know they are dubbed from the original Japanese anyway, but we've grown to love these characters and associate the voices with the Pokemon and trainers. We're just pissed about the whole thing. We're not alone! Below is a pic of brooding LittleBiscuit, taken a few days ago. I think, even in dark emo mood, she's gorgeous: (@)(%&##%(#&%)@(( picture won't load! Blogger can be infuriating at times! I'll come back later and post it.)


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