
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Another day in Biscuitland

Well, the snow is melting. There's much sadness in the Biscuit household. We really wanted to go sledding but instead bummed around town, running errands and jumping in any clean pile of snow we could find. Let me tell you, that's difficult in this city! It's rather messy out there right now. A sunny BiscuitChild and her eagle: Our simple dinner of nachos. I put two leftover pork chops in the food processor for a bit and mixed with some salsa. I think next time, I'll make a creamy cheese sauce rather than just melt shredded cheddar on top. Those wacky Czechs! What is this all about? LittleBiscuit has been buzzing around me constantly, pestering me to make a chocolate dessert she will like. She's one tough customer! I found a recipe for chocolate madeleines on La Tartine Gourmande which looked like just the ticket for our girl. However, we couldn't locate a proper mold for the madeleines. I just used tiny "basket" forms and they turned out quite tasty! I thought about turning them over and drizzling a chocolate glaze or ganache over the top but I'm glad I didn't. These are rich and chocolately enough just as they are. We gobbled up two each while playing Disney's Scene It. LittleBiscuit won. Of course. Homeschooling note: LittleBiscuit has come up with her own way of sorting numbers and unwittingly is teaching herself about place value. She says all the tens live in a little house, all the twenties have their own house, all the thirties in their house and so on. I drew a picture of what she described and showed her how she could always figure out how many "ten houses" were in a two digit number, for example. I just love when unschooling pays off. This knowledge is truly hers. No one can take it from her. She discovered it all on her own. Rock on, LittleBiscuit!


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