
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Food buzz

Blogger was down yesterday so I couldn't post anything. I've grown accustomed to writing my daily entry. Weird how that happens. I'll start with the most recent events. Last night, the sitter stayed with Sophia so Ray and I could go to Korea House on our date. Finally. It was so delicious! We ordered a lot of food so we could try different dishes. The waiter also brought out complimentary kimchi! Four kinds: cabbage, cucumber, radish and one more which neither of us could recognize nor remember. Maybe it was seaweed? Green onion?They weren't very spicy, though. Not like the kimchi I remember eating. (I forgot I wanted to take pictures and we had already started eating when I finally brought out the camera.) We started with Korean sake. Of course! (We later drank another half-order. Hee! We were quite buzzed on food and sake when we left!) We also had some miso shiro, not pictured. Then the food started coming. Fast! The coveted bibimbap. Not prepared like dolsot(tolsot) bibimbap but still quite delicious. I wasn't sure how much chili paste to use so I added only about a third of what was given me. I think I'll add more next time. -------------------------------------- Kimchi with cabbage and pork surrounded by soft tofu slices. Well, not entirely surrounded in the picture because, as I said, we'd already started feasting! This dish was spicy. The way I like it! I've been craving spicy foods lately. -------------------------------------- Ray's choice: beef with spring onions. -------------------------------------- For some reason, I didn't get a picture of the mandu (gyoza). It could be because the waiter was giving me the indication that he didn't want me to take any photos inside the restaurant. I had to be sneaky to get the ones I've posted here. We weren't entirely sure we *wanted* to order dumplings, thanks to having just seen Fruit Chan's Dumplings. Great short and film (make sure you see both) but you may have a hard time stomaching gyoza afterwards. Especially if they crunch! Shudder. -------------------------------------- This is the only picture of the restaurant I could get. You can see the waiter in the back on the right. There were three Korean businessmen to my left and a Korean family behind them. I think it was the waitress' family because she sat down to eat with them after the businessmen paid for their meal. We had a great time and have planned to take Myles, Sophia and Hilary once Myles arrives. Yum!


Blogger MrsCatHead said...

They spoke Czech and English to us. They all spoke Korean to each other. I don't know any Korean. I forgot that I wanted to learn how to at least say, "Please" and "thank you." Next time.

We pointed to things on the menu and spoke in English. We had looked up the food terms earlier so we'd know what each was. We didn't need to cuz the menu listed dishes in Korean, Czech and English.

8/27/2006 04:37:00 PM  
Blogger MrsCatHead said...

You know what? I should probably post that we didn't eat all this food! We made a valiant effort but it was just too much. We needed one more person.

8/27/2006 09:24:00 PM  

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