Yesterday was Katya's 11th birthday. LittleBiscuit gave her a heaping bowl of food while Mr. Biscuit and I gave her extra lovies, as much as she could handle anyway. I kept calling her up onto the bed last night while I was reading, making sure she knew I wanted her near me. She snuggled in close and I sang:
Happy Birthday to you
Kit-kitty-kit Boo
Happy Birthday Dear Katya
Happy Birthday to you!
Please enjoy some of her finer, and no so fine, moments.
Yoga kitty:
Her "oh puhleez" face:
"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. de Mille:"
Kitty push-ups:
"Love me?:"
In our old flat, she had her bed half-way behind the curtain, beside the heater. She loved to stick her head out or have me stick my head behind the curtain. Weirdo cat.
Alpha Kitty:
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