
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yet Another AFW: Meal One

Yes. I'm boring. I'm still stuck in my Asian cookbook. But the food is so good when prepared with the right ingredients and so fun that I just can't let go yet. I'm very much enjoying cooking right now. For dinner, I didn't want to make anything too fancy so when I found a recipe for nasi goreng, I knew it would be perfect for a simple Sunday dinner. This dish is simple yet flavorful. I steamed about 1 and a fourth cup long-grain rice while chopping up the rest of the ingredients: one red chili, three green onions, one medium onion (supposed to use brown but I used white because it was available), and two cloves of garlic. I set up the tofu, wrapped in paper towels, underneath a heavy saucer so it would drain. First, I sauteed the onion, garlic and red chili in one tablespoon of peanut oil til the onion was soft. Then I added in diced tofu. (I reserved some for LittleBiscuit since I knew she wouldn't want it mixed with onion) I sauteed this in the wok with the onion mixture until the tofu looked slightly browned. Next, I added the rice, which I had cooled a bit by putting in the fridge, one third cup of soy sauce and the green onions. I mixed this well and made sure it was heated throughout. Then I separated our servings into bowls, picking out the red chili for Mr. Biscuit. I fried an egg for each of us and put it on top of the rice dish. LittleBiscuit had plain rice with tofu, topped with a yolkless fried egg. What can I say. The kid knows what she likes. Earlier today, we had gone to the store to get the onions and some other vegetables. They were out of broccoli, which is a pity because I think a side of steamed broccoli would have been a perfect compliment to this meal. Our Sunday has been lazy and easy. We all slept late and wandered out into the living room to work on a jigsaw puzzle and listen to music. We had a simple lunch of pastrami sandwiches, using smoked Chinese tea mustard this time. Mmmmm! Around 2pm, we decided to head out to the grocery store and have a walk. It was much warmer today than it's been lately. It was nice to be in the sunshine. First, we dropped by Palac Knih to look for Tai Pan since I just finished Shogun. I don't usually like fiction but I'm interested in Asia right now and a little historic fiction never hurt anyone. Alas, the store didn't carry it. On to Albert's! LittleBiscuit pushed the cart in the store and chose some new things to try: cucumbers and rice cakes. Some things she has eaten before but wanted to try again, now that she's older. She also chose a frozen cheese and prosciutto pizza for her Tuesday lunch with her sitter. On the way home, we got ice cream cones to munch on for the rest of our walk. What a glorious day! Tomorrow starts a busy week for us! Monday, we must get the items needed to make LittleBiscuit's Halloween costume. Mr. Biscuit will have lunch with SisterBiscuit and then head over to his massage appointment. LittleBiscuit and I will likely have lunch at home then head out to look for the costume stuff. I plan to put it together before dinner. Tuesday, the sitter comes, Mr. Biscuit and I will shop for groceries needed for the week, the butcher delivers the meat for the week and after dinner, I'm going out with three friends to a CineParty, which simply means a movie premiere and launch party. Wednesday is cooking and craft day. I have two labor-intensive recipes to complete. Plus, we will try to add in another Japanese lesson in the morning. LittleBiscuit is feeling like she wants to learn faster. My women's group is supposed to meet in the evening for dinner and drinks but some are sick and others are out of town so I think it might be cancelled. Thursday, we have a maid coming over and will go swimming while she's here. Friday, the day is free but in the evening, Mr. Biscuit and I have our date. Saturday, we will all go to the Halloween celebration at Bohemia Bagel, where we will carve pumpkins, hang with friends, watch the obligatory Charlie Brown special and visit a small haunted house in the play yard of the bagel shop. So far, nothing is planned for Sunday. Whew! Tonight, I'll try to come back and post a picture of dessert, which will be chocolate pasta served with champagne cream sauce and fresh raspberries. I bought the pasta in Paris and have been waiting for a chance to make something with it. I hope it turns out!


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