
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Let them eat cake

Not a very exciting day in Casa Biscuit. I went to the grocery store this morning, made lunch, did some craft stuff with Little Biscuit, cleaned out the fridge, and did some laundry. The most important thing I did, however, was make a chocolate cake. Mr. Biscuit is practically drowning in drool, waiting to get a slice of that cake. For lunch, I chopped up some leftover chicken and heated it up with a jar of spaghetti sauce made from roquette and cherry tomatoes. I served this over some fresh noodles. On top, we sprinkled pine nuts and parmesan cheese. Simple and delish! Of course, Little Biscuit ate hers sans sauce and sprinkled with parmesan. With this, we munched on breadsticks which are "salted and fanciful." (see below) The only breadsticks worth eating, in my opinion. Who wants to eat breadsticks that are prosaic, real? This is what the Italians are telling us. Right? After lunch, I played Nurse Joy to some critically wounded Pokemon. Unlike Nurse Joy, I don't use medicine. My tool of healing? Super glue. While the Pokemon recuperated on the kitchen table, Sophia and I made this pyramid, using a kit: Also, in the kit: If you look through the little doors in the front, you can get an idea of how big the Sphinx is compared to the Great Pyramid. It's neat! Blah. It's nearly 6 and I haven't started cooking yet. Can I just tell them to eat cake for dinner?


Blogger Paula Bellman said...

I think your hair is cute! It's getting really long

8/28/2006 08:00:00 PM  
Blogger MrsCatHead said...

Thanks :)

I dunno why it looks so *red* in the photo. It's dark brown IRL.

8/28/2006 09:33:00 PM  

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