
Light and fluffy, yet filling!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Soup's on!

It's raining. It's cold. It's windy. It's a day for soup! Our sitter came today so Ray and I did the banking, had lunch, shopped for groceries and then sloshed our way home. For dinner, I simmered some sliced spicy kielbasa in chicken broth. The aroma! It was divine! Then I added more water and broth along with sliced leeks, carrots, and one lone potato. Since the kielbasa adds so much flavor, I only added ground pepper. After the veggies were done, I added some cheese-filled ravioli. I served this soup with grilled cheese on baguette. It was so good, I ate seconds! Then, Soph and I snuggled in bed and watched The Ten Commandments. Well, we *started* watching it. It's Intermission right now. We took a break to get some chocolate cake. Mmmmm. There are so many good moments in this film. I loved the way people acted then. It's almost like a play. The actors spoke so eloquently, concisely and with such gravity. It's fun to quote from the film and try to match their seriousness. And damn, was Yul Brenner sexy or what! Everyone looked so good. Anne Baxter practically smoldered. She purred. I must away! Second half of Ten Commandments awaits.


Blogger Paula Bellman said...

OMG, I love love love the Ten Commandments. It was a tradition in my family to always watch this movie on Palm Sunday or was it Easter Sunday it always played on tv?? My kids love it too.

My favorite bit player?? The Hebrew slave girl who's boyfriend or whatever is Joshua. The way she says his name "jooossshhwwwaaa" too funny.

8/30/2006 04:35:00 PM  
Blogger MrsCatHead said...

YES! Her voice was so throaty when she said that. And it seemed like most of her lines were, "JOSHUA!" LOL

8/30/2006 07:33:00 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I've never yet sat and watched the Ten Commandments all the way through at once.
I can almost smell your food. Yum!

9/01/2006 11:52:00 AM  

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